9 Commercial Interior Design Trends You Need to Know

commercial interior design

About 80% of US companies are shifting back to in-person work for at least part of the workweek. One concern that CEOs and company managers have is whether or not employees will be satisfied with their in-person work environments.

After working from home for over a year, many employees got used to a work-life that didn’t involve commercial interior design. Does that mean that you should make some changes before bringing everyone back in?

With the help of a quality interior design service, you can revamp your commercial space with ease. Let’s start by looking at the trends that are worth your attention.

Read on for nine commercial interior design trends that are taking center stage in 2022. 

1. Residential Comfort

As we mentioned earlier, your employees adjusted to working from home. That means moving from a desk to a couch and back again, taking lunch breaks at the dining room table, and chilling out in cozy clothing. While you probably won’t want employees showing up to work in sweatpants, you can embrace a residential feel in your office with more couches, armchairs, side tables, and an updated kitchen and dining area.

2. Futuristic Escapism

If your commercial space is for consumer enjoyment (like a restaurant or shop), consider embracing futuristic escapism. After two years of stifled travel and limited opportunities to go out, consumers are looking for something new. Dark accents mixed with bright lights, a shift toward technology, and a more immersive experience will all help consumers to escape the doldrums of the day.

3. Darker Tones

Since the late 90s, we’ve been filling commercial spaces with bright colors that are meant to inspire and invigorate our workforce. Now, it’s important that we create spaces that allow for a balance between productivity and self-care. Darker tones are less harsh on the eyes and can help to put employees into a more relaxed and focused mindset.

4. Sustainable Choices

As we move into the future, it’s becoming more and more apparent that we all have a role to play in saving our planet. Making eco-friendly choices for your business is better for the earth and better for your overall reputation. As you’re planning out your business interior design, look for sustainable or reused materials, locally sourced decor, and environmentally-friendly appliances. 

5. Upcycled Pieces

Just like fashion, interior design is always cyclical and some of the trends we’re seeing this year are inspired by things like the Art Deco movement, mid-century modern design, and even retro-futurism. The best part about the cycle of interior design is that it often allows you to repurpose or refurbish old pieces to pair the old with the new. This can save you a ton of money as you’re redesigning your commercial space and allow you to bring in durable old-build furniture. 

6. Safe Coworking Spaces

If we have learned anything over the past few years, it’s that everyone needs to have a safe and sanitary work environment that minimizes health risks. However, we’ve also moved in a direction that is far less individualistic and far more community-oriented. What does that mean for all of the open floor plans that dominated business interior design trends in the 2010s?

It means that we’ll have to try to strike a balance. Creating a variety of coworking spaces that are large enough for employees to work together while keeping their distance is key. Providing everyone with their own separate workspace is also ideal.

7. Natural Elements

Not all commercial interior design trends involve a huge renovation or makeover. Some are simply about subtracting some pieces and adding in others. In this case, we’re talking about getting rid of some office decor and replacing it with natural elements: think potted plants, open windows, and natural accents like wood and stone.

8. Indoor-Outdoor Transitions

If you have any interest in residential interior design, you’ve probably seen the rise in indoor-outdoor living spaces. The truth is that this design choice isn’t just for your home space; people want to see it in their work environment, too. Bold and inviting landscaping choices are a great place to start, and you can finish off your outdoor workspace with tables, extended WiFi connections, and other accouterments that will allow your employees to work outdoors on a nice day.

9. Wellness-Oriented Design

What do all of these business interior design trends have in common? It’s time to prioritize the wellness of your employees above anything else. In the past, we always put the emphasis on productivity, but now we can see that employees who feel good do good work.

Ultimately, you can embrace wellness in your design by creating more spaces to work in comfort or take a break to recharge. Comfortable seating arrangements are a must. Don’t lock your employees to their desks; instead, let them work where they’re comfortable and trust that they’ll get the job done.

Which Commercial Interior Design Trends Will You Use in 2022?

In 2022, we’re all trying to figure out how to shift back into our old roles without sacrificing the changes we actually liked over the past two years. Bringing your employees back into your commercial space is one of those areas where your choices can make a huge impact. These nine commercial interior design trends will make a huge difference as your employees readjust to working in person.

Need help bringing your new or redesigned commercial space to life? Murphy Maude Interiors is here to help. For interior design services in Memphis, TN, contact us today.